# About Actions
are the published and callable methods of the Services
The action calling represents a Remote Procedure Call.
It has request parameters and always returns a response.
If there are multiple instances of Services
, the ServiceBroker
invokes instances according to the specified call strategy.
Read more about balancing.

# Calling Actions
To call an Action
, use the "broker.call()" method.
The broker looks for the Service
(and the node) that has the Action
and calls it.
The Action
call returns with a Promise.
content will either be a Tree or a Throwable
Promise res = broker.call(actionName, params, opts);
The "actionName" is a dot-separated string.
The first part of it is the Service
name, while the second part of it represents the Action
So if you have a "posts" service with a "create" action, you can call it as "posts.create".
The "params" is an object which is passed to the Action
as a part of the Context.
The service can access it via "ctx.params".
The last parameter is the "opts".
The "opts" is an Options
to set/override some request parameters,
for example "timeout", "retryCount" or "nodeID".
CallOptions can be produced using method chainig:
Options opts = CallOptions.nodeID("node-2").timeout(1500).retryCount(3);
Tree params = new Tree()
.put("param1", "value1")
.put("param2", "value2")
.put("param3", 12345678)
.put("param4", true);
Promise promise = broker.call("service.action", params, opts);
promise.then(rsp -> {
// The "rsp" response is always a Tree object
logger.info("Response: " + rsp);
}).catchError(err -> {
// The "err" is a Throwable
logger.error("Error!", err);
If the request consists of simple name-value pairs, you do not need to create a Tree
object as above.
The name-value pairs can be listed after the "service.action" parameter:
"param1", "value1",
"param2", "value2",
"param3", 12345678,
"param4", true,
).then(rsp -> {
logger.info("Response: " + rsp);
}).catchError(err -> {
logger.error("Error!", err);
return 123; // Handle error
).then(rsp -> {
// Continue waterfall sequence...
Available calling options
Name | Type | Default | Description |
timeout | Number | null | Timeout of request in milliseconds. Read more |
retries | Number | null | Count of retry of request. If the request is timed out or any I/O error occurs, broker will try to call again. Read more |
nodeID | String | null | Target nodeID. If set, it will make a direct call to the given node. |
# Usages
Call without params
broker.call("user.list").then(rsp -> {
logger.info("User list: ", rsp));
Call with params
broker.call("user.get", "id", 3).then(rsp -> {
logger.info("User: ", rsp));
Blocking style calling
Tree rsp = broker.call("user.get", "id", 3)
.waitFor(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
logger.info("User: ", rsp);
Do not block
The "waitFor" is a blocking operation (temporarily pauses the running Thread
do not use this method unless it is absolutely necessary for something
(eg. for testing or using Thread-bound API, like Hibernate or Spring Transactions).
Preferably "then()" and "catchError()" non-blocking methods should be used.
Asynchronous operations can be organized into a "waterfall sequence" using these methods.
Call with options
// Simple non-blocking invocation
"limit", 5,
CallOptions.retryCount(3)).then(rsp -> {
logger.info("User: ", rsp));
// Execution in a waterfall sequence
return Promise.resolve().then(rsp -> {
Options opts = CallOptions.retryCount(3);
return broker.call("user.recommendation", "limit", 5, opts);
}).then(rsp -> {
logger.info("User: ", rsp));
# Metadata
The request structure may contain metadata. It can be name-value pairs or any structure. Unlike the Node.js version, the Java version stores the metadata in "params":
Tree params = new Tree();
params.put("param1", "value1");
params.put("param2", "value2");
Tree meta = params.getMeta();
params.put("timestamp", new Date());
broker.call("service.action", params).then(rsp -> {
logger.info("Response: " + rsp);
The remote Service
can access the metadata block with the "ctx.params.getMeta()" function.
Meta is merged at nested calls:
broker.createService(new Service("test") {
Action first = ctx -> {
// The "_meta" prefix is a shorthand to access meta:
return ctx.call("test.second", "_meta.b", 5);
Action second = ctx -> {
// Prints: { a: "John", b: 5 }
return null;
// Invoke actions:
Tree params = new Tree();
Tree meta = params.getMeta();
meta.put("a", "John");
broker.call("test.first", params);
// Or shorter:
broker.call("test.first", "_meta.a", "John");
The "meta" is sent back to the caller Service
Use it to send extra meta information back to the caller
(eg. send response headers back to API gateway or set resolved logged in user to metadata).
broker.createService(new Service("test") {
Action first = ctx -> {
// Modify meta (first time)
Tree params = new Tree();
ctx.params.getMeta().put("a", "John");
return ctx.call("test.second").then(rsp -> {
// Prints: { a: "John", b: 5 }
Action second = ctx -> {
// Modify meta (second time)
ctx.params.getMeta().put("b", 5);
return null;
// Invoke actions:
# Streaming
Moleculer supports streams as request "params" and as response.
This is useful for uploading or downloading large files, or encoding/decoding the content.
This also allows you to transfer media files between Services
# Examples
Sending bytes to a service
PacketStream stream = broker.createStream();
broker.call("service.action", stream);
stream.sendData("some bytes".getBytes());
stream.sendData("more bytes".getBytes());
stream.sendClose(); // Streams must be closed
The receiving Service
can handle incoming data in an event-driven manner:
public class ReceiverService extends Service {
public Action action = ctx -> {
ctx.stream.onPacket((bytes, err, close) -> {
if (bytes != null) {
// Byte-array received
} else if (err != null) {
// An error occurred
if (close) {
// Stream closed
return null;
Sending a file to a service
Please note, the "params" should be a stream, you cannot add other variables to the "params". Use the "meta" property to transfer additional data.
// Create stream
PacketStream stream = broker.createStream();
// Write filename into the meta block
Tree req = new CheckedTree(stream);
Tree meta = req.getMeta();
meta.put("filename", "avatar-123.jpg");
// Open connection
broker.call("storage.save", req);
// Start sending data in smaller packages
stream.transferFrom(new File("avatar-123.jpg")).then(rsp -> {
// Transfer finished
Receiving the file at the service's side
public class StorageService extends Service {
public Action save = ctx -> {
// Waterfall sequence
Promise.resolve().then(rsp -> {
String filename = ctx.params.getMeta().get("filename", "");
return ctx.stream.transferTo(new File(filename));
}).then(rsp -> {
// File saved
Returning a stream as response at the service's side
public class StorageService extends Service {
public Action get = ctx -> {
String filename = ctx.params.getMeta().get("filename", "");
PacketStream stream = broker.createStream();
stream.transferFrom(new File(filename));
return stream;
Process received stream at the caller's side
String filename = "avatar-123.jpg";
broker.call("storage.get", "filename", filename).then(rsp -> {
// Response received
PacketStream stream = (PacketStream) rsp.asObject();
logger.info("Receiving file...");
return stream.transferTo(new File(filename));
}).then(end -> {
// Saving finished, `transferTo` completed
// the previously returned Promise
}).catchError(err -> {
// Download failed
logger.error("Failed!", err);
# Context
When you call an Action
, the broker creates a Context
instance which contains all request information
and passes it to the action handler as a single argument.
Available properties & methods of the Context
Name | Type | Description |
ctx.id | String | Unique context ID |
ctx.name | String | Action name (in service.action format) |
ctx.requestID | String | Request ID. If you make nested-calls, it will be the same ID |
ctx.parentID | String | Parent context ID (in nested-calls) |
ctx.params | Tree | Request params including metadata (second argument from broker.call) |
ctx.stream | PacketStream | Request stream or null |
ctx.level | int | Request level (in nested-calls, the first level is 1) |
ctx.startTime | long | Timestamp of the context creation |
ctx.call() | Method | Make nested-calls (same arguments like in broker.call) |
ctx.emit() | Method | Emit an event (same as broker.emit) |
ctx.broadcast() | Method | Broadcast an event (same as broker.broadcast) |
# Publishing Actions as REST services
The WEB API Gateway module enables the Moleculer Services
to function as REST services.
There are several ways to publish an Action
as a REST service.
The simplest method is to use the "@HttpAlias" annotation.
Read more about WEB API Gateway.
import services.moleculer.web.router.HttpAlias; //...
public class UserService extends Service {
@HttpAlias(method = "POST", path = "api/saveUser")
Action saveUser = ctx -> {
return userDAO.saveUser(ctx.params);
In the example above, "saveUser" Action
will be available with a POST method at the following URL:
<http(s): //server:host/path>/api/saveUser
# Converting Java annotations to platform-independent properties
converts Java annotations of Actions
into JSON format,
therefore, they can be parsed on remote nodes.
The programming language doesn't matter, such as those available on JavaScript based nodes.
These properties are passed on as the service is discovered.
It is advisable to process these properties using (Java or JavaScipt-based)
Middlewares, and based on the values of the properties,
may change the way the services work.
The following example shows three types of annotation conversions.
The first one (the "@Deprecated") is an annotation without parameters.
Such annotations are passed as logical values with a "true" value.
The second annotation (the "@SingleValue") can have only one value.
Such annotations are passed as a key-value pair.
The third annotation (the "@MultiValue") contains more values.
Such annotations are converted into a JSON structures by the ServiceBroker
It is important to note that only annotations with a RetentionPolicy
value of "RUNTIME"
will be available in the Service
(for example, "@SuppressWarnings" is not visible on remote nodes
because it exists only at the source level).
public class TestService extends Service {
@MultiValue(key1:"value", key2: 123)
Action action = ctx -> {
// ...
Generated Service
description, also available on remote nodes:
"name": "service.action",
"deprecated": true,
"singleValue": "test",
"multiValue": {
"key1": "value",
"key2": 123
The Service
Descriptor is received by all remote nodes and can be processed,
regardless of the programming language.
Sample Middleware that checks the configuration of a Java (or JavaScript) Action
public class DeprecationChecker extends Middleware {
public Action install(Action action, Tree config) {
// Get value of the property (default value is "false")
boolean deprecated = config.get("deprecated", false);
// Print warning if the Action is deprecated
if (deprecated) {
logger.warn(config.get("name", "") + " action is deprecated!");
// We just checked the annotations, we didn't install anything
return null;
To invoke the "install" method of the above Middleware, call the ServiceBroker
"use" function:
broker.use(new DeprecationChecker());
← Lifecycle Middlewares →