# About Internal Services

The ServiceBroker contains some internal Services to check the node health or get some registry information. These services can be disabled by setting "internalServices" parameter to "false" in ServiceBrokerConfig:


ServiceBrokerConfig cfg = new ServiceBrokerConfig();
cfg.setInternalServices(false); // Disable Internal Services
ServiceBroker broker = new ServiceBroker(cfg);

# List of nodes

The "$node.list" Action lists all known nodes (including local node).


broker.call("$node.list").then(rsp -> {

    // Print JSON response

    // Example processing of the response (print IPs of nodes):
    for (Tree nodeInfo: rsp) {
        logger.info("Node ID: " + nodeInfo.get("id", ""));
        for (Tree ip: nodeInfo.get("ipList")) {
            logger.info(" IP address: " + ip.asString());

Sample response


Node ID: node1
 IP address:
 IP address: fe80:0:0:0:0:6efe:c0a8:3348%net4
 IP address: fe80:0:0:0:0:110:7f:fffe%net5
 IP address: fe80:0:0:0:4514:d05f:4195:80d8%eth5
 IP address: fe80:0:0:0:9802:43e:ce67:4c25%eth6


Name Type Default Description
withServices Boolean false List with services.

# List of Services

The "$node.services" Action lists all registered Services (local & remote).


broker.call("$node.services").then(rsp -> {

    // Print JSON response

    // Example processing of the response (print nodeIDs of Services):
    for (Tree serviceInfo: rsp) {
        logger.info("Service: " + serviceInfo.get("name", ""));
        for (Tree nodeID: serviceInfo.get("nodes")) {
            logger.info("  Node ID: " + nodeID.asString());

Sample response


Service: api-gw
  Node ID: tsmith-pc-7700
Service: chatService
  Node ID: tsmith-pc-7700
Service: upload
  Node ID: tsmith-pc-7700


Name Type Default Description
onlyLocal Boolean false List only local services.
skipInternal Boolean false Skip the internal services ("$node").
withActions Boolean false List with actions.

# List of Actions

The "$node.actions" Action lists all registered Actions (local & remote).


broker.call("$node.actions").then(rsp -> {

    // Print JSON response
    // Example processing of the response (print Actions and some attributes):
    for (Tree actionInfo: rsp) {
        logger.info("Action: " + actionInfo.get("name", "") +
                    ", local: "  + actionInfo.get("hasLocal", false) +
                    ", count: "  + actionInfo.get("count", 0));

Sample response


Action: $node.actions, local: true, count: 1
Action: blog.clear, local: true, count: 1
Action: jmx.findObjects, local: true, count: 1


Name Type Default Description
onlyLocal Boolean false List only local actions.
skipInternal Boolean false Skip the internal actions ("$node").
withEndpoints Boolean false List with endpoints (nodes).

# List of event subscriptions

The "$node.events" Action lists all event subscriptions.


broker.call("$node.events").then(rsp -> {

    // Print JSON response
    // Example processing of the response (print Events and some attributes):
    for (Tree eventInfo: rsp) {
        String subscription = eventInfo.get("name", "");
        logger.info("Subscription: " + subscription);
        for (Tree event: eventInfo.get("event")) {
            logger.info(" " + event.getName() + " = " + event.asString());

Sample response


Subscription: $services.changed
 name = $services.changed
 group = nettyServer
Subscription: websocket.send
 name = websocket.send
 group = api-gw


Name Type Default Description
onlyLocal Boolean false List only local subscriptions.
skipInternal Boolean false Skip the internal event subscriptions "$".
withEndpoints Boolean false List with endpoints (nodes).

# Health of node

The "$node.health" Action returns the health info of local node (including process & OS information).


broker.call("$node.health").then(rsp -> {

    // Print JSON response

    // Example processing of the response (print IPs and some attributes):
    logger.info("IP Addresses:");
    for (Tree ip: rsp.get("net.ip")) {
        logger.info(" " + ip.asString());

    logger.info("CPU cores: " + rsp.get("cpu.cores", 0));
    logger.info("OS type: "   + rsp.get("os.type", ""));
    logger.info("Homedir: "   + rsp.get("os.user.homedir", ""));

Sample response

    "type":"Windows 10",
      "username":"Tom Smith",
    "utc":"Tue, 14 Jan 2020 17:35:07 GMT"

IP Addresses:
CPU cores: 8
OS type: Windows 10
Homedir: C:\Users\TSmith